Energy Efficiency
Conservation Solutions technicians will work with you to identify specific energy efficiency opportunities including thermal energy storage batteries, highly efficient pressure independent control valves and balancing valves, steam systems including traps and valves, highly efficient heat exchange and heat recovery systems and plug load efficiency systems.
A survey of the facility enables our team to develop recommendations. Sometimes there is a nominal fee to complete the analysis of the building(s) and provide a detailed report with recommendations outlining costs and energy savings with return on investment (ROI).
Building owners are setting goals to reduce energy operating costs as well reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Investments in energy efficiency are some of the best investments building owners can make as many of the investments pay for themselves in less that 2 years and become the gift that keeps on giving in reducing operating costs while increasing the value of the building.
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Electronic Air Cleaning Equipment in Buildings
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Changes in IAQ Caused By Corona Discharge Air Cleaner
BY TODD CRAWFORD, PATRICIA FRITZ, MEMBER ASHRAE; THOMAS WAINMAN This article was published in ASH RAE Journal, December 2018 . Copyright 2018 ASH RAE. Posted at www . This article may not be copied and/or distributed electronically or in paper form without...